Saturday, August 6, 2011

tips to finding and staying with a daycare center.

As an old daycare center employee I know the importance of finding the right daycare and knowing you can trust the people and the center with your child/children. I left the daycare center I was at due to the number of violations I was finding and when I left I also reported them. So here are some tips to try to help you find a daycare that is safe and you can trust.

  1. Don't be afraid to ask to see background checks or even for information to run your own.
  2. Always ask questions not only to the staff but to parents and even older children as well.
  3. Always check for reviews on the daycare and remember no reviews can be bad reviews.
  4. Don't be afraid to look around on your tour, how are they storing food, what is the child staff ratio, are the activities safe, and is the play area outside safe.
  5. Don't be afraid to call the state and check on the centers license and any background on the center when it comes to complaints.
  6. Ask neighbors weather it's people who live or work around the center what they witness at the center and if they ever see anything unusual.
  7. Always  be aware of everything going on.
  8. If you don't feel comfortable or things don't seem right chances are it's for a good reason never doubt your instinct.
  9. Check the safety of cribs, highchairs, bottle making area, sinks, changing area, and make sure any doors are secure and your child can't get out of the room without being detected.
  10. Always make sure the center is secure and has safety proceedures in place and ask them what they do to make sure nobody else can leave with your child.

Once you find a daycare remember you can change your mind if your not happy with the center. Things you need to watch for once in the center are:
  1. Is your child always in a clean diaper when you show up
  2. The center is suppossed to log feedings, diaper changes, any bumps or bruises so never be afraid to ask for copies of these and for safety measure always do a head to toe check with the teachers upon drop off and pick up and document any marks on your child for safety reasons
  3. If new staff is comming in don't hesitate to ask questions
  4. If there is a high turn over rate I would be asking why. There has to be a reason if staff and children don't stick around long.
  5. Is your child acting strange when coming home or does your child fight going to daycare? There has to be a reason why DO NOT JUST ASSUME IT'S SEPERATION ANXIETY.
  6. You have a right as a parent to call or stop in and check on your child take advantage of this.
  7. Always listen to what your child is trying to tell you because a daycare will cover up for staff, children, and parents but your child will not.
So there are my tips for daycares. You have to make sure you can trust who your child is with and that your child is safe. 

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